Well, its been quite a while since my last posting. I have been working on a couple of my own designs, trying to get people to send me pictures of some of the dresses I have made, and I actually knitted myself a cardigan.
My own designs are not quite completed but as soon as they are I will post some pictures. The customers pictures I have requested still have not materialised. My cardigan is lovely and I will also take a picture of that .
I had a stall at a prom fair in Devizes at the beginning of November, it was not very busy, but I handed out plenty of information and had quite a bit of interest. It was nice to meet some lovely stall holders. One was from Devizes, she has a shop and she sources her items from Italy. Gorgeous bags. Another lady was from Pewsey, tiaras and hair decoration was her forte. I have tried to encourage her to visit www.misi.co.uk and get herself a shop.
I went to The Paintworks, Bristol , to visit the Misi Craft fair. Some lovely items on sale. I went to try and get some Xmas pressies, but came out with a bracelet for myself from Tollykit (on Misi) she also has a website on http://www.elainehillson.co.uk . I have not dared look at that yet, there is bound to be something else I want !!!
Finally, I am pleased to say, I have got around to having a new website done . I am so pleased with it. Feel free to look and leave me any comments that you might have, I love to hear what other people think. www.inspired-brides.co.uk It has taken me a while, and will hopefully be available on search engines soon, its only just gone live.